Titel: It is served by someone with the name and taste of it
Ljudinstallation av Ami Kohara.
Titel: Att äta Blancmange.
När du inte känner till en regel kommer du oundvikligen att bryta mot den.
Välkommen till en regelfylld middag.
Performance av Golnosh Hosseini.
FOOD II applicerar ett konstnärligt tänkande på mat.
Konsthögskolan Valand, sommaren 2011
This is a project i worked with as a side-track of the Food course. A small fanzine with texts inspired by different contexts around food and eating.
I grow up in a home where saving grace before dinner always was a natural part of gathering the family around the table. Later in life, that way of using texts for ceremonial feeling, for atmosphere and contemplation, inspires me in my writing and other art work.
These days, Linda Donald, artist from NYC, has been guiding us through different kind of worlds, emotions and ways of using both our minds and bodies. Through the use of text, film, sounds, sculpture and talking we have been discovering more about what kind of limits we as grown-ups are giving ourself and how that could inhibit artistic work.
We have been told to be more childish. To allow our selfs to play.
As a final end of this we made a food performance in one of the stairswells at Valand.
The performance were inspired by the mad tea-party in Alice in Wonderland. A set table with different things, hand-made colored cups and decorations, flowers, eggs, etc. We decided some common rules together, as: time should be involved in some way, we should all use the quote "I can eat 50 eggs" from the movie Cool Hand Luke, and we should also try to be involved in each others work during the performance.
Except for this - the task were to let your self act without all these grow-up limits. Try to do things you feel uncomfortable with. Use the room. Use eachother. Use text, sound and the scenographic prop.
The performance turned out pretty well and felt like a effective way of expanding our ways of working creatively more released.